Without Change Management, is there any Effective Six Sigma?
From the 1990s through the early 2000s, Six Sigma was all the rage. While Six Sigma is still popular, the new guy in town is Change Management, and every girl wants to date him.
7 Benefits of a Global/ World as One Approach
Many people are terrified of globalization, also what I call “The World as One.” They fear losing jobs or losing their identity and importance to someone else.
7 Practices for Leaders to Achieve the Most out of their day
I periodically review my daily routine (as much routine that I can afford) and examine how I can be more efficient given the current goals and demands in front of me.
7 Steps of Succession Planning for Effective Leaders
Succession Planning has never been as important to company leaders as it is today.
7 Ways to Build and Maintain Successful Relationships with External and Internal Customers
Customers are more present than we realize in our organizations and externally.
7 ways that HR can finally get equal credibility at the C-Suite Table
HR has experienced one of the most transformative journeys of any occupational field.
7 Steps that Leaders should take to be successful in Mergers and Acquisition Integration
In spite of repeated M&A failures due to people element challenges of an integration